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Bootstrap Table How Hidden, When Toggled Visible Using Javascript It Does Not Show Correctly

I have a bootstrap table. I am using css to hide one of the table rows initially. I have a checkbox that I want to show the hidden table row if it is selected, otherwise it should

Solution 1:

I made a jsfiddle:

I think the problem might have been due to fighting between using bootstrap and CSS for hiding/showing. I simplified this by using the bootstrap class "hidden", and toggling that class with the click event.

<div class="orderTotal">
   <h4>Order Total:</h4>

   <table id="tableOrderTotal" class="table tableTotal">
         <td class="price-1">50</td>
       <tr id='hiddenRow' class="hidden">
         <td class="price-2">13</td>
        <td class="price-3">30</td>
       <tr class="summary">
        <td class="totalOrder">Total:</td>
        <td id="result" class="totalAmount"></td>


 <button id='toggle' class='btn btn-primary'>


$("#toggle").on("click", function() {

Solution 2:

I wouldn't use all of that css. jQuery makes it 100x's cleaner in my opinion. Here's what I would do:

I'd take advantage of jQuery's hide() and toggle(). Something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

  // Hide the row when the page loads

  // when the user clicks the checkbox, toggle the row
  $("#toggleCheck").click(function() {




Here's a full JSBin:,js,console,output

Solution 3:

Working fiddle.

Just use display: table-row as suggested @Louys in above comment :{
     display: table-row;

Hope this helps.

$("input[name='product_CD']").on("click", function() {
#hiddenRow {
  display: none;
.orderTotal {
  padding: 10px;
  background-color: #fdfbe4;
  width: 95%;
  margin: 0 auto;  
.orderTotal h4 {
  font-weight: bold;   
.totalOrder {
  color: #ee7a23;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 18px; 
.totalAmount {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 18px; 
  display: table-row;
<script src=""></script>

<input name='product_CD' type="checkbox" />
<div class="orderTotal">
  <h4>Order Total:</h4>

  <table id="tableOrderTotal" class="table tableTotal">
        <td class="price-1">50</td>
      <tr id="hiddenRow">
        <td class="price-2">13</td>
        <td class="price-3">30</td>
      <tr class="summary">
        <td class="totalOrder">Total:</td>
        <td id="result" class="totalAmount"></td>


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