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Showing posts from November, 2022

Whats The Difference Between Using .Class Or #ElementId In CSS?

Ive been wondering... in CSS are there any differences between creating a style class and applying … Read more Whats The Difference Between Using .Class Or #ElementId In CSS?

Find Minimum Value In A Column

I have an HTML table column containing integers. What's the most efficient way to get the mini… Read more Find Minimum Value In A Column

What Is The Best Way To Display A Drop Down Menu?

What is the best way to display a drop down menu? for the sake of best practices. keeping in mind: … Read more What Is The Best Way To Display A Drop Down Menu?

Impossible To Add Pseudo Element To Canvases?

So, I'm currently developing a map editor for a HTML5 game, and while doing so, I wanted to add… Read more Impossible To Add Pseudo Element To Canvases?

Code To Disable Magnifier, Set Wallpaper, And Save Image In Google Chrome?

I'm building a web app with custom buttons (images). Google Chrome displays three icons when ho… Read more Code To Disable Magnifier, Set Wallpaper, And Save Image In Google Chrome?

Open Base64 In New Tab

I have a Base64 encoded document which can be PDF file or image. I would like to create a button in… Read more Open Base64 In New Tab

Number Input - Always Show Spin Buttons

In Google Chrome, input[type=number] spin buttons are shown only on hover. This is the code I use:… Read more Number Input - Always Show Spin Buttons

Scale DOM Element To Fit Inside It's Parent With CSS

For image and video elements, we can use: width:100%; height:auto;, or even better: object-fit:scal… Read more Scale DOM Element To Fit Inside It's Parent With CSS

Understanding Self Referencing Forms

I am trying to learn Self Referencing Forms. I have read that a html form embedded in a php script … Read more Understanding Self Referencing Forms

CSS: Corrupt Display For Lower Elements After Show Upper Elements

as you see in my snippet when buttons are hidden => display:none; my display was what i want. bu… Read more CSS: Corrupt Display For Lower Elements After Show Upper Elements

IE9+ Not Playing Portrait Video In HTML5 Video Tag

For some reason I can't get IE9/10 to play video that is taller than wide, when using HTML5 vid… Read more IE9+ Not Playing Portrait Video In HTML5 Video Tag

Progress Element Html Text Inside

Hi there can someone help me with this progress html element I need to be able to put a text value … Read more Progress Element Html Text Inside

Generate PDF File In An Appropriate Format

For my use, I created a PDF file using flying-saucer library. It was a legacy HTML so I cleaned out… Read more Generate PDF File In An Appropriate Format

HTML / CSS Contol Image Size Dynamically?

Is there a way to control image size on the website ? e.g. if the image exceeds 640x360 then displa… Read more HTML / CSS Contol Image Size Dynamically?

Safari Renders Wrong Colors When Using Blur Filter

I try to apply a blur filter to a svg elment, but it seems that Safari can't render the colors … Read more Safari Renders Wrong Colors When Using Blur Filter

Update Function In Jquery Table

Visit: $(document).on('click', '#edit', function(e) { … Read more Update Function In Jquery Table