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Uploading An Image Cropped Using A Cropper.js Plugin

I have used cropper.js plugin in my application to crop images. I am able to crop the images. Now I am trying to upload the images instead of downloading them. I have updated the t

Solution 1:

Though this question was asked long back, still I am sharing a link to the solution I just posted in context to someone else's problem.

I hope it will help someone found on this page. ( Like I landed and found no solution ) Crop image using Cropper.js, then upload (or display) the cropped image.

Solution 2:

In you code above, remember Canvas function toBlob accepts 3 params (as per Mozilla docs):

  • callback
  • mimeType e.g. image/jpg
  • quality e.g 90

So in your function you can include the mimeType and quality options. Also in the append line include a thirds parameter for filename (with same extension)

canvas.toBlob(function (blob) {
  var formData = new FormData();
  /* Add blob and file name */
  formData.append('croppedImage', blob, 'file.jpg');

  $.ajax('/path/to/upload', {
    method: "POST",
    data: formData,
    processData: false,
    contentType: false,
    success: function () {
      console.log('Upload success');
    error: function () {
      console.log('Upload error');

/* This is the important part */
}, 'image/jpeg', 0.9);

Solution 3: Api Doc for Server Upload as formData and Image src tag definition.

and watch out the below paragraph of getCroppedCanvas():

After then, you can display the canvas as an image directly, or use HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL to get a Data URL, or use HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob to get a blob and upload it to server with FormData if the browser supports these APIs.

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