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Update Form From Dialog

I have a dataTable within a form; in the dataTable I have a button which pops up a dialog if clicked; after editing(or not) I want to close the dialog and refresh the datatable. I

Solution 1:

Did you try

<p:ajax event="close"  listener="#{zuordnenDialogController.closeDialog()}" update=":nzTable"/>

update=":nzTable" with full path, may be: :form_main:nzTable

i want to comment, but i don't have enought reputation.

Solution 2:

You can managed ajax event for each component inside dialog for example:

<p:dialogid="zuordnenDialog"widgetVar="zuordnenDialogW"closeOnEscape="true"dynamic="true"header="Zuordnung"appendToBody="false"draggable="true"modal="true"resizable="false"><p:selectOneMenuid="idp"value="#{...}"converter="clientesConverter"panelStyle="width:500px"effect="fade"var="p"style="width:500px"filter="true"filterMatchMode="contains"><f:selectItemsvalue="#{comunMB.itemsClientes}"/><f:ajaxexecute="@this"listener="#{...}"render="table1 table2 table..." /></p:selectOneMenu></p:dialog>

In this way change is showing in the table (or other component) while dialog is edited. Also you can use inplace component.

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