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Update Timer Inside Div. Javascript

I have written a timer. The initial minutes and hours are taken from the user. It should then count down the time. However, I don't know how to convert it to count down in a div. A

Solution 1:

Like I said in your other, similar question: don't make intervals or timeouts in loops.

  1. You're introducing more complexity by adding the while. You don't need it.
  2. Making intervals in loops usually isn't the right idea because you are likely spawning several intervals that will all do the same thing all at the same time.

var el = document.getElementById("timer"),
  mins = 2,
  secs = 0;

functioncountDown() {
  if (secs || mins) {
    setTimeout(countDown, 100); // Should be 1000, but I'm impatient
  el.innerHTML = mins + ":" + (secs.toString().length < 2 ? "0" + secs : secs); // Pad number
  secs -= 1;
  if (secs < 0) {
    mins -= 1;
    secs = 59;


Solution 2:

Please check this by "Run code snippet" and confirm this is what you are trying,

var seconds = 60;

functiontimer() {

    document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = 'Seconds : ' + (seconds--).toString();

   if(seconds >= 0) {
      setTimeout(timer, 1000);


Solution 3:

I would do this as follows;

varinsertZero = n => n < 10 ? "0"+n : ""+n,
     printTime = n => time.textContent = insertZero(~~(n/3600)%3600)+":"+insertZero(~~(n/60)%60)+":"+insertZero(n%60),
 countDownFrom = n => (printTime(n), setTimeout(_ => n ? sid = countDownFrom(--n)
                                                       : console.log("ignition:",n), 1000)),
setTimeout(_ =>clearTimeout(sid),20005);

It stops in 20 seconds for the sake of the demo purposes.

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