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Not Picking Up Form Values From Checkbox

I have a form in Cold Fusion which contains a set of checkboxes. I am submitting this form to the page frag5.cfm. There is only one line of code in frag5.cfm. valu

Solution 1:

If you are trying to check the values of unchecked checkboxes I don't think they will show up in the FORM scope. If the checkboxes are checked, then they should show up. You can use structKeyExists(FORM, 'f1') to check if a value exists.

Solution 2:

Once thing to always do is to put quotes around your attribute values. They are not mandatory but they save you from issues like this one.

You didn't have any quotes ' (single or double) around onclick so the JS was not executing.

Adding those (and also modified your function a bit for confirmation) and I think it all works now. Can you try it?

functionischecked(id, passid){
    var ischeck = document.getElementById(id);

    if (ischeck.checked) {
      document.getElementById(passid).value = "checked";
      console.log( 'setting value to checked');
    } else {
      document.getElementById(passid).value = "unchecked";
      console.log( 'setting value to unchecked');
  console.log( document.getElementById(passid).value );
  } //end function ischeck
<formname="fields"action="frag5.cfm"method="post"onkeypress="return event.keyCode != 13;"><tablestyle="margin-left:165px"><captionstyle="padding-top: 20px">Restrict Report To:</caption><tr><td>Master Event:</td><td><inputtype="checkbox"id="cb_e"name="f1"value=""onclick='ischecked( "cb_e", "hid_e")'class="check1"><labelfor="cb_e">&nbsp;</label><inputtype="hidden"name="finsel"id="hid_e"value="unchecked"></td><tdstyle="width: 25px">&nbsp;</td><td>SubEvent:</td><td><inputtype="checkbox"id="cb_s"value=""name="f1"onclick='ischecked( "cb_s", "hid_s")'class="check1"><labelfor="cb_s">&nbsp;</label></td><inputtype="hidden"name="finsel"id="hid_s"value="unchecked"></td></tr></table><tablestyle="margin-left: 175px; margin-top: 20px;"><tdstyle="width: 150px;"id="chuprep"class=ixes2 ">&nbsp;</td><tdstyle = "width: 150px; "><inputtype = "Submit "name  ="Submitfin1 "class = "submitbut "value = "Submit " ></td></tr></table></form>

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