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Get Y Position Of An Element In An Iframe

I think this has been asked already, I have an iframe page where we have nearly 10 textfield's, whenever the user taps on any one of the textfield, I would like to know the Y posit

Solution 1:

This is untested, but should point you in the right direction.


      var iframe = $('iframe');
      var inputs = iframe.find('input');

      $.each(inputs, function(){

Vanilla Javascript

Updated as per comment. Also untested.

Give your iframe an ID to make it easier to target, then:

var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
var inputs ='input'));

  input.addEventListener('click', function(){

Solution 2:

If both, the main window and the iframe content are within the same protocol/domain, then you can directly access the iframe's contentBody and get the scrollTop position of the input field.

For instance:

var y = $('iframe').contents().find('#myInputField').offset().top;

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