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Convert A Html String To Dom And Then Dom To Formatted Text

I have used an RtfToHtml Converter in order to print some text into my table cell. it converts successfully, then i want this converted text (geResult.NotesLong) to be formatted:

Solution 1:

Your code ends like this:

[...]</P><P /></DIV>

There's an error, it shoud be


(second closing p tag wrong / position)

ADDITION: Actually, that second closing p tag is one too much - there's only one opening ptag in the code you posted - erase it.

Solution 2:

Finally i have found a way to extract plain text from inside (but it is still missing formats)

html page

<td><script>{ setCommentValue(@colIndex, @rowIndex, @totalColCount, '@geResult.NotesLong', '@geResult.Color');}</script></td>


functionsetCommentValue(colIndex, rowIndex, assessmentLength, resultValue, color) {

String.prototype.replaceAll = function (search, replacement) {
    var target = this;
    return target.split(search).join(replacement);

//replace all text special charactersvar replaced = resultValue.replaceAll("&amp;", "&").replaceAll("&gt;", ">").replaceAll("&lt;", "<").replaceAll("&quot;", "\"").replaceAll("&#039;", "\'");

var parser = newDOMParser();    
var doc = parser.parseFromString(replaced, "text/xml");       


$(".test").get(elementPos).innerHTML = doc.firstChild.textContent;


My text had special characters like > for > etc so i replaced them manually.

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