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Check If An Element Has A Background-image With Pure Js?

What is the correct way to check if a particular element has a background-image associated with it, in pure Javascript? Right now I have this: var elementComputedStyle = window.get

Solution 1:

What you have works, but there are alternate ways of finding the property that you might find easier. I don't believe there is a single 'correct' way to do it, however.

Just javascript:

var hasBGImage = !== '';

Using jQuery:

var hasBGImage = $(element).css('background-image') !== 'none';

Solution 2:

Make sure you declare the background image "inline", otherwise .style.backgroundImage won't work.

<script>window.onload=function() {
    var bg = document.getElementById('el').style.backgroundImage.length!=0;
</script><divid='el'style="background-image: url('a.jpg');"></div>

If you can use inline CSS, that's the way. If, for some reason, you can't use that, let me know, I'll try to find out something else :)

Solution 3:

I used this code in last one project and works perfect

// Check all background images existsvar imageURLs = $('.image-container ');
imageURLs.each(function(index, element){
    var imageURL = $(element).css('background-image').replace('url("', '').replace('")', '');
    var img = newImage();
    img.onerror = function() { $(element).css('background-image','url(/build/images/missing-image.svg)'); };
    img.src = imageURL;

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