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Multiple Effects On Single Div Element Hover

I am trying to get multiple effects on a single image hover to allow the best outcome with the least code possible. Note: I do not want jquery at all! CSS only (even 3). So I have

Solution 1:

Css does not contains parent navigation selectors... Only descendant and following sibilings.

Since the .container div is a sibiling to the .image div, you could set the :hover pseudo to the div instead to the anchor:

.image:hover ~ .container {
     background-image: url('logo-tp-text.png');

As ~ is a general sibiling selector.

More info here: MDN General sibiling selector


If the html markup stays the same as you showed, I mean, if the .container remains as a immediate followed sibiling to the .image div, you can also use an Adjacent Sibiling Selector

.image:hover + .container {
     background-image: url('logo-tp-text.png');

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