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Replacing A Submit Button With A Image Button Using Jquery

how could I go about replacing a form submit button with a image submit button using jquery? The reason I need to use jquery is because I am using a plugin to generate the contact

Solution 1:

if you are doing it in jQuery, and your form is generated dynamically, you can apply these

var submit = $('form').find('input[type=submit]');
submit.after('<input type=image src=test.jpg />');

since we cannot put an image in a type=submit input I hide it and place an input type=image since it also acts as a submit.

we can also use the css provided by DHuntrods by

var submit = $('form').find('input[type=submit]');

Solution 2:

Does the button have a class or id that you could use to tie it to some css? You may not need to use jQuery if so:

<html><head><metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title><style>.form-submit { text-indent:-9999em; border:0; width:[WIDTH OF IMAGE]; height:[HEIGHT OF IMAGE]; background:#fffurl([URL TO IMAGE]) no-repeat 00 ; line-height:0 font-size:0; }

Solution 3:

You could do it with a couple lines of javascript

var element = document.getElementById('btn'); //assuming the button has an ID of btn


for IE, though, you need to replace the element because IE does not allow dynamic change of the type.. so

var oldO = document.getElementById('btn');

var newO=document.createElement('input');
newO.type='image'; =;
// any other attributes you want to copy over..

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