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How To Generate A Ticket Id With Correct Length By Padding Middle With 0

I'm trying to generate a ticket id value with this format: yymm###### to be used in my database table. This expresses a 2-digit year, 2-digit month, and a 6-digit numeric id that

Solution 1:

Try changing this:

<?phpecho date('ym'). $tkid ;?>

to this:

<?phpecho date('ym') . str_pad($tkid, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); ?>

See str_pad().

Solution 2:

If this was my project, I'd let mysql do all the work (and I'd use a prepared statement for security reasons).

To eliminate any KEYWORD / tablename clashes, I recommend backticking your group table.

My query will increment the highest TICKET_ID value for the selected groupid (and left-pad it with zeros if you are still using this code at the start of the next millenium!). If there are no rows for the selected groupid, then a new [yymm000000] value will be delivered in the resultset.

      "(SELECT LPAD(`TICKET_ID`+1,10,'0') FROM `group`
        WHERE `groupid`=? ORDER BY `TICKET_ID` DESC LIMIT 1)
       (SELECT CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(),'%y%m'),'000000'))
      LIMIT 1;"
    echo"<input type=\"text\" name=\"TICKET_ID\" value=\"$new_tkid\" readonly=\"readonly\">";
    echo"Query Syntax Error"; // echo mysqli_error($conn);

Not only does this provide essential security to your query, it puts all data manipulation in one place rather than mixing manipulation with echoing.

Functions used:

Solution 3:

Format request using printf

<?php printf('%s%06d', date('ym'), $tkid); ?>

Seriously, printf is a workhorse

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