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How To Set Value With Input Text To Get Tag And Set Condition On Text In Jquery

How i can set value to jquery inseted set html code in this question i set value on body link how i can set html code with input text and work like link i write this code

Solution 1:

Do you want set Text box value by jquery?

  • $('.in').val('your custom value or text');

Solution 2:

First. For input multiline you need to use <textarea>

Then split string with

("Yourtext").split("Your Seperator",limit_arraysize);

alert(("Howdy! I'm Flowey the flower").split(" ",3)); 
//That mean you split with " " (1 blank space)



Some example below

functionmyFunction() {
  var arr = [];
  var text = $("textarea").val();

  var submit = text.split("\n"); // USE TO split multilinefor (var i = 0; i < submit.length; i++) {
    var temp = submit[i].split(",", 2);
    arr[i] = {
      value: temp[0],
      name: temp[1]

<scriptsrc=""></script><textareatype="text"style="width: 400px;height:200px;"class="in">
90,no</textarea><!--use TEXTAREA instead INPUT for multiline--><br><inputtype="button"value="submit"onclick="myFunction()" />

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