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Create A Json Object From Html Using Jquery

Problem Overview Let's say I have a shipment of candy. The shipment has a number of boxes, and each box has a number of unique candy types. Every box has a unique id, different f

Solution 1:

This generates what you asked for:

var json = {};   

$('.shipment').each(function(i,a) {
    json.shipment = {};

    $(a).find('.box').each(function(j,b) {
        var boxid = $(b).data('boxid');
        json.shipment[boxid] = {};

        $(b).find('.candy').each(function(k,c) {
            var $c = $(c),
                candyid = $'candyid'),
                color = $'color'),
                flavor = $'flavor'),
                qty = $'qty');
            json.shipment[boxid][candyid] = {};
            if (color) json.shipment[boxid][candyid].color = color;
            if (flavor) json.shipment[boxid][candyid].flavor = flavor;
            if (qty) json.shipment[boxid][candyid].qty = qty;

As you can see, at each level it uses .each() to loop through the elements matching a certain class and then .find().each() to loop through the desired children. In between, .data() is used to grab the desired data- attributes and the json object is built level by level.

Solution 2:

Is this close to what you are looking for? –

I have used data() and JSON.stringify to create the json.

Be sure to check your console where I have logged the output.

$(".candy").each(function() {

Solution 3:

Nice problem! Thanks to Chris' post I was able to get this to work.

var shipments = [],
    shipment  = {},
    boxes = {},
    candy = {};
$(".shipment").each(function() {
    var shipment = {},
        boxes = {};
        var boxdata = $(this).data();
        candy = {};
            var candydata = $(this).data();
            candy[candydata["candyid"]] = {
                color: candydata["color"],
                flavor: candydata["flavor"],
                qty: candydata["qty"]
            boxes[boxdata["boxid"]] = candy;
        //console.log(JSON.stringify(boxes)); // works
    shipment = {shipment: boxes};
    shipments.push(shipment); // for multiples

console.log(shipments.length);  // 1 for the example html above

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