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Php Csv Import Need Help - Decimal Values Becomes Rounded Values When Inserting Into Table

I am trying to insert data into MySql table from csv file using PHP, please see this image - my CSV file. the problem i face is, while loading the CSV file, the net_sales column b

Solution 1:

This is the way I would do this:

   PDO named placeholders require that the array keys are matched
   so we have to prefix them with a colon : as in 'field' becomes ':field'
   the benefit here is the array key order is irrelevant,
   so your csv could have the headers in any order.
    return array_map(function($item){
    }, $array);

//PDO database driver$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=testdb;host=';
$user = 'dbuser';
$password = 'dbpass';

$db = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);

//header array should match DB fields$header_map = [

$placeholders = prefixPdoArray($header_map);

//prepare the query outside of the loop$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `tran_detail` (`'.implode('`,`', $header_map).'`)VALUES('.implode(',', $placeholders).')');

    we can dynamically build the query because $header_map and $placeholders
    are "canned" data, but you could just type it out as well.

    if you do the SQL manually you can dump $header_map and $placeholders
    and manually create $default_map. You could also dump this function
    prefixPdoArray() and just move the array map to $headers.
    so it would be a bit more efficient, but I thought I would show you
    a proper way to build the query dynamically.
*/$default_map = array_fill_keys($placeholders, '');

//read the first line$headers = fgetcsv($source, 1000, ","); 
//$header_count = count($csv_headers); //for error chcking if needed//prefix csv headers$headers =  prefixPdoArray($headers);

while ($data = fgetcsv($source, 1000, ",")){      
        array combine will throw an error if the header length
        is different then the data length.
        this indicates a missing or extra delimiter in the csv file.
        you may or may not have to check for this condition  
        if( $header_count != count($data) ){ //do something on error }
    *///map file data to file headers$csv_mapped = array_combine( $headers, $data);

    //map file row to database query$csv_mapped = array_replace($default_map, $csv_mapped );

    //execute the query$stmt->execute($csv_mapped);


Note I can only do limited testing on this ( no DB or files ), so for testing and explanation purposes here is the code for testing the basic functionality.

    return array_map(function($item){
    }, $array);

//header array should match DB fields$header_map = [

$placeholders = prefixPdoArray($header_map);
echo str_pad(' Placeholders ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

//prepare the queryecho"\n".str_pad(' Raw SQL ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";
echo'INSERT INTO `tran_detail` (`'.implode('`,`', $header_map).'`)VALUES('.implode(',', $placeholders).')';

$default_map = array_fill_keys($placeholders, '');
echo"\n\n".str_pad(' Default Map ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

//(CANNED TEST DATA) read the first line//example data for testing ( missing field1 ), and field3 out of order$headers =  [
//prefix headers with placeholders$headers =  prefixPdoArray($headers);

echo"\n".str_pad(' CSV headers ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

//while ($data = fgetcsv($source, 1000, ",")){//(CANNED TEST DATA) read the data line(s)//example data for testing ( missing field1 ), and field3 out of order$data = [
    echo"\n".str_pad(' CSV data ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

    $csv_mapped = array_combine( $headers, $data);
    echo"\n".str_pad(' CSV mapped data ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";

    $csv_mapped = array_replace($default_map, $csv_mapped );
    echo"\n".str_pad(' CSV filled data ', 45, '-', STR_PAD_BOTH)."\n";


    --------------- Placeholders ----------------
array(4) {
  [0]=>   string(7) ":field1"
  [1]=>   string(7) ":field2"
  [2]=>   string(7) ":field3"
  [3]=>   string(7) ":field4"

------------------ RawSQL ------------------
INSERTINTO`tran_detail` (`field1`,`field2`,`field3`,`field4`)VALUES(:field1,:field2,:field3,:field4)

---------------- DefaultMap ----------------
array(4) {
  [":field1"]=>   string(0) ""
  [":field2"]=>   string(0) ""
  [":field3"]=>   string(0) ""
  [":field4"]=>   string(0) ""

---------------- CSV headers ----------------
array(3) {
  [0]=>   string(7) ":field3"
  [1]=>   string(7) ":field2"
  [2]=>   string(7) ":field4"

----------------- CSV data ------------------
array(3) {
  [0]=>   string(6) "value3"
  [1]=>   string(6) "value2"
  [2]=>   string(6) "value4"

-------------- CSV mapped data --------------
array(3) {
  [":field3"]=>   string(6) "value3"
  [":field2"]=>   string(6) "value2"
  [":field4"]=>   string(6) "value4"

-------------- CSV filled data --------------
array(4) {
  [":field1"]=>   string(0) ""
  [":field2"]=>   string(6) "value2"
  [":field3"]=>   string(6) "value3"
  [":field4"]=>   string(6) "value4"

You can check it out here.

The most important part in the output is the last 2 arrays, as you can see how we map the data to the file headers, and then use the $default_map to fill in any missing columns. You can put whatever defaults in there you need, such as null or what have you, but you'll have to do it manually instead of using $default_map = array_fill_keys($placeholders, '');

This should make it pretty self explanatory, if not feel free to ask.

Hopefully I got everything matched up between them and for the DB and file stuff, if not it should be really close. But this is quite a bit of fairly complex code, so it's not inconceivable I may have missed something.

The important thing is this will let you map out the CSV data in an elegant way, and avoid any SQL Injection nastyness.

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